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Joint Pain

Eliminate Even The Deepest Joint And Muscle Pain You Can Not Seem To Get Rid Of

Scar tissue

The blue, sticky scar tissue called fibrin traps oxygen-rich blood cells like a fish net.

Thousands of years ago, achy muscles and joints were NOT an everyday problem. This kind of pain was temporary, just a part of the natural healing process.

Today, the soreness, aching and swelling that you feel could be the result of something else: Toxic buildup in your body, especially in your muscles and joints.

This is the “hidden” culprit behind all the soreness and discomfort that never goes away. And the mainstream has no clue. They just don’t see the connection.

You see, this buildup of toxic gunk cuts off blood supply to your muscles and joints by telling your body to over-produce something called fibrin, which is what scar tissue is made from.

(Believe it or not, you can have a HUGE build up of scar tissue even if you’ve never had an injury.)

And all that new scar tissue creates a web around your joints that prevents red blood cells from delivering oxygen... and that constant lack of oxygen makes your muscles and joints cry out in pain.

Relieve Head-To-Toe Soreness And Wash Away Toxic Gunk

Meet Al Sears, MD Uniquely Qualified to Keep You Healthier for Life

Dr sears

Al Sears, MD, is a medical doctor and one of the nation's first board-certified anti-aging physicians.
As a board-certified clinical nutritionist, strength coach, ACE-certified fitness trainer and author, Dr. Sears enjoys a worldwide readership and has appeared on more than 50 national radio programs, ABC News, CNN and ESPN.

In 2010, Dr. Sears unveiled his proven anti-aging strategies in Reset Your Biological Clock. As the first U.S. doctor licensed to administer a groundbreaking DNA therapy that activates the gene that regulates telomerase, Dr. Sears made history by bringing telomere biology to the general public.

In 2006, Dr. Sears shocked the fitness world by revealing the dangers of aerobics, "cardio" and long-distance running in his book, PACE: The 12-Minute Revolution.

In 2004, Dr. Sears was one of the first doctors to document the true cause of heart disease and expose the misguided and often fatal drugs-and-surgery approach to heart health.

In The Doctor's Heart Cure, Dr. Sears outlines the easy-to-follow solution that effectively eliminates your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

An avid lecturer, Dr. Sears regularly speaks at conferences sponsored by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) and the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG).

Hi, I'm Dr. Sears, and I want you to know that if you’re hurting right now, there’s a NEW WAY to get relief. You don’t have to worry about getting stuck on those over-the-counter “remedies” that only mask the underlying problem... or dealing with the disappointment when herbal supplements fall flat.

When you cut through the buildup of waste and scar tissue clogging up your joints and muscles you get FAST releif because your body responds almost right away.

I discovered one of the most effective ways to get rid of that gunk when I was trekking through the jungles of Peru and Brazil. The “Amazon pineapple” contains an enzyme that breaks down and gobbles up the gook inside your scarred and clogged up blood vessels.

It’s important to keep these toxins under control if you want to stay active, comfortable, and in the swing of things.

The people who come to my clinic ask me all the time: “How does this junk get into my body anyway?”

These toxins are everywhere nowadays, but it wasn’t always like this. Things were simpler many generations ago. Back then, everything you needed to keep your body strong would be found right outside. You used to be able to solve many of your body’s problems with food, giving your body what it needs naturally.

Now part of the problem is our food. Most of what we eat is processed, dyed, fried, broiled or microwaved until it’s unrecognizable. It’s injected with high-fructose corn syrup, packed with trans fats, loaded with additives…

Bit by bit, these unwanted extras build up in your body. Over time, they collect in your tissues and clog up your muscles and joints.¹

Now instead of easy movement, you feel PAIN.

But the cleansing herbs I discovered can help promote the proper inflammatory response that leads to comfortable movement.

I combined these herbs for you into one natural formula called Mobilify. I’ll show you what these herbs can do for you and how I use them for the patients who come to my clinic.

I personally assure you that Mobilify will have you feeling better in 30 days or less, OR you can take advantage of my "Feel Better Fast" pledge.

Because I created this formula to be…

The FASTEST Way To Restore Blood Flow To
Your Sore, Aching Muscles And Joints

Traditional herbalists in South America use pain-fighting herbs that have a secret weapon hidden inside: Enzymes.

The powerful enzymes I’m talking about bring comfort to your tissues and joints. First, these nutrients promote a proper inflammatory response, to maintain normal levels of inflammatory compounds in the body. Then they help flush out problem-causing toxins.

This helps take care of everyday aches and pains, including soreness, swelling and aching in the body.

When you’re young, your body can make all the enzymes you need on its own. That’s part of the reason you can go through your teens and 20s at full speed. But as the years go by, your production of enzymes goes down… while the amount of toxins that accumulate goes up.

As I mentioned, these toxins are known for clogging up the collagen-rich tissues, including your bones, cartilage, tendons and connective tissue.² That can affect your normal inflammatory response.

To bring these unique abilities to you, I’ve included several powerful enzymes in my Mobilify formula.

Don’t Just Mask Your Pain…
Get Rid Of The Underlying Cause

I selected the first toxin-clearing enzyme in Mobilify to revitalize your body and help keep you on your feet, or wherever you want to be. It’s called bromelain, and it comes from the stem of the “Amazon pineapple.”

This species of pineapple originally grew in South America, and that’s where herbalists first began using them. Today, some hospitals are starting to use this enzyme, too.3,4

In Brazil, pineapple was used traditionally to support a healthy immune system. Today, we know why it works, and why it is a good match for pain: Bromelain helps boost the activity of many different kinds of immune cells.5

It’s commonly used with another bioactive enzyme that helps keep you comfortable and in motion. I’m talking about papain, an enzyme that comes from papaya.

I read a great study by researchers in Germany who tested a combination of bromelain and papain in a lab culture. They wanted to see how these two enzymes work at the cellular level.

They saw something very interesting – the combination increased levels of an immune compound called IL-6. The body uses IL-6 for tissue maintenance and other immune functions.6

These enzymes are also beneficial for muscle function and recovery from strenuous exercise or activity.

Researchers from the Exercise and Biochemical Nutrition Laboratory at Baylor University set up an interesting study to test this.

For 21 days, half of their study group took an enzyme blend (which included bromelain and papain) and the other half took a placebo. Then they returned to the lab for a high-impact activity – running “downhill” on a treadmill for a grueling 45 minutes.

It turns out that the group who received the enzymes had better muscle force and movement than the placebo group. Their immune biomarkers were also better, suggesting that the enzymes helped regulate their immune response in the face of this physical stress.7

Along with bromelain and papain, there’s another important enzyme in Mobilify

STUDY: 100% Of People Taking This
Extract Had Better Knee Function

If you want to stay active and on the move, you can do what they do in India. The country has a long history of treating pain in the tradition of Ayurvedic medicine.

Practitioners of Ayurveda use a soothing plant called Indian frankincense. You may also hear it called by its scientific name, Boswellia serrata.

The resin of the boswellia tree has been used to calm inflammation for centuries in India… and not just for people. Elephants like to eat it too, and folklore suggests that it’s “comfort food” for their knees.

Ladies Walking

Researchers have uncovered why it works: It has boswellic acid, a natural ingredient that helps promote proper inflammatory response.8

To see how boswellia could help knee function, researchers in India set up a double-blind clinical trial with 30 people. Half of the group received a placebo, and half received boswellia extract.

After 8 weeks, every one of the people who took boswellia extract had better knee function. It also helped with swelling and comfort.

But here’s the best part. The group that took boswellia could walk farther than before and had healthy range of motion.9

Try Mobilify for yourself right now.

Soothe. Cleanse. Protect.

Along with the cleansing enzymes in these herbs, I also included five other soothing ingredients I’ve discovered in my travels.

Meadowsweet is one of my favorite herbs for calming discomfort. It contains salicylates, which you may recognize as the natural compound that early pain relievers were created from. It is popular in Europe and has a long history of use. Arnica montana is another European herb with a long history of use on the surface of the skin.

I understand that muscle-soothing gels and creams aren’t always convenient, and that’s part of the reason I set out to create Mobilify. I wanted you to have more options.

And when you keep your body healthy from the inside, you won’t have to worry about reapplying strong-smelling creams or goopy gels to your problem areas every two hours.

With these enzymes and herbs working together in my Mobilify formula, you’ll have what you need to…

  • Fight pain by helping to balance the inflammatory response
  • Clear out toxins that can build up in your cartilage, muscles, and connective tissues
  • Help soothe muscle soreness from sports and intense exercise
  • Support healthy tissue and cartilage by helping your immune system do its job
  • Speed recovery so you can get back to doing what you love

I’ve also included 100 milligrams of magnesium in this formula because it’s a mineral your muscles can’t do without. Your muscles need it to stay relaxed and functioning. When you don’t have enough, you can feel tension, fatigue, and soreness. It’s something simple that you could be missing out on.

I Promise Mobilify Will Work For You...

You might be able to find some of these ingredients separately at a health food store if you want. But it’s the potency, combination, and careful selection of these nutrients that gives you the results, in my experience.

This formula is the only one of its kind, designed to help alleviate aches and pains, and wash them away right at the source.

I designed this formula myself, including herbs that I’ve used with the patients at my clinic. I developed it to maintain your normal inflammatory response and clear away the toxic buildup – so your tissues move and function just as they should.

No more holding back.

I’ve also taken extra care to make sure that Mobilify is created with pure, potent ingredients that will give you the best results.

I work directly with our manufacturer to make sure the formula is created under strict quality standards known as Good Manufacturing Practices. And I try each formula myself once it’s completed.

I don’t use discount suppliers.

I don’t accept synthetic substitutes.

And I don’t believe in sacrificing quality for price when it comes to something you’re going to take into your body with the purpose of making it strong and healthy.

I advise my patients not to take any chances with quality, and I recommend the same for you too.

I believe in this so strongly, that I stand behind Mobilify with my personal “Feel Better Fast” pledge.

You’ll Feel the Difference in 30 days
Or I’ll Pick Up the Tab

You must be completely satisfied with Mobilify and the soothing, revitalizing results I’ve described in this letter. You must feel the calming effect of these rainforest herbs, just like people all around the world have been doing for centuries.

If you're not 100% satisfied you can return the jar and unused portion. Click Here to View Details

If for any reason Mobilify doesn’t live up to your expectations, you can return the unused portion or empty bottle for a full refund.It’s as simple as that.

That’s my “Feel Better Fast” pledge to you.

So I encourage you, order Mobilify now. Try it and keep up with it, so you can have the best chance to see for yourself what a difference it can make.

I understand that everyone is different, and no two people will have the same experience. If you decide it’s not for you, you can simply let me know and I’ll give you your money back.


To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD

P.S. -- A “cleanse” for your muscles and joints might sound like a strange idea. But imagine what your life would be like if you come and go as you please, without worrying about aches and pains?

How would it change the simple things in life?

Would you go out more with your friends? Would you take the kids to the lake? Or would you just smile the next time you got out of bed because you felt better than you have in years?

The nutrients in Mobilify have helped my patients get back to doing what they love to do. And they can help you too. I encourage you to give it a try today.



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1. Semba RD, Nicklett EJ, Ferrucci L, “Does Accumulation of Advanced Glycation End Products Contribute to the Aging Phenotype?” J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010; 65A(9):963–975.
2. Tang SY, Zeenath U, Vashishth D, “Effects of non-enzymatic glycation on…,” Bone. 2007;40(4):1144-51.
3.Ichingolo F, et al, “Clinical trial with bromelain in third molar exodontias,” European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. 2010; 14: 771-774.
4.Ammon HP, “Boswellic acids…,” Planta Med. 2006 Oct;72(12):1100-16.
5. “Bromelain Monograph.” Alternative Medicine Review. 2010;15(4):361-368.
6. Rose B, et al, “Dose-dependent induction of IL-6 by plant-derived proteases in vitro,” Clin Exp Immunol. 2006 January; 143(1): 85–92.
7. Buford TW, et al, “Protease supplementation improves muscle function after eccentric exercise,” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009;41(10):1908-14.
8. Brien S, et al, “Bromelain…a Review of Clinical Studies,” Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2004; 1(3): 251–257.
9. Kimmatkar N, Thawani V, Hingorani L, Khiyani R, “Efficacy and tolerability of Boswellia serrata extract…,” Phytomedicine. 2003 Jan;10(1):3-7.

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This Article is Provided by Dr Al Sears, MD